22 Results found

Health record form_“PHILOS – Emergency health response to refugee crisis”
Φόρμα καταγραφής ιατρικού ιστορικού
English, Greek
Questionnaire-Medical record
Medical history form in Greek and English. The form includes the following sections i.e. Patient registration, Medical History, Findings from clinical examination, Laboratory tests, Service Provider Information. The medical history form has been designed in the contect of a programme of the Greek Ministry of Health, implemented by the Hellenic Center for Disease Control and Prevention (HCDCP). It’s a new approach of the Greek Republic to address on the refugee crisis, by fulfilling the sanitary and psychosocial needs of people living in the open camps. The programme PHILOS introduces a comprehensive approach regarding the provision of health services to refugee’s population and also reinforces the capacity of National Health System to respond to the extra demand of health services as a whole
All migrants/refugees
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Gynecology - Obstetrics FORM_“PHILOS – Emergency health response to refugee crisis”
Γυναικολογική/μαιευτική φόρμα
Questionnaire-Medical record
Medical history form for women in Greek. The form includes the following sections i.e. The form includes the following sections i.e. Service Provider Information, Patient medical history, Family medical history, Previous pregnancy history, Current pregnancy history, Follow-up for pregnancy. The medical history form has been designed in the contect of a programme of the Greek Ministry of Health, implemented by the Hellenic Center for Disease Control and Prevention (HCDCP). It’s a new approach of the Greek Republic to address on the refugee crisis, by fulfilling the sanitary and psychosocial needs of people living in the open camps. The programme PHILOS introduces a comprehensive approach regarding the provision of health services to refugee’s population and also reinforces the capacity of National Health System to respond to the extra demand of health services as a whole.
Health professional
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Personal dental history record form _“PHILOS – Emergency health response to refugee crisis”
Φόρμα καταγραφής οδοντιατρικού ιστορικού
English, Greek
Questionnaire-Medical record
Personal dental history record form in Greek and English. The form includes the following sections i.e. Patient registration, Periodogram, Disorders in mouth-jaw bone-face-neck, Medical History, Service Provider Information. The medical history form has been designed in the contect of a programme of the Greek Ministry of Health, implemented by the Hellenic Center for Disease Control and Prevention (HCDCP). It’s a new approach of the Greek Republic to address on the refugee crisis, by fulfilling the sanitary and psychosocial needs of people living in the open camps. The programme PHILOS introduces a comprehensive approach regarding the provision of health services to refugee’s population and also reinforces the capacity of National Health System to respond to the extra demand of health services as a whole.
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Tuberculosis investigation questionnaire__“PHILOS – Emergency health response to refugee crisis”
Φυματίωση - Ερωτηματολόγιο Διερεύνησης Φυματικής Λοίμωξης
English, Greek
Questionnaire-Medical record
Tuberculosis investigation questionnaire in Greek and English. The form includes the following sections i.e. Patient registration, Vaccinations, Symptomatology-related questions. The questionnaire form has been designed in the contect of a programme of the Greek Ministry of Health, implemented by the Hellenic Center for Disease Control and Prevention (HCDCP). It’s a new approach of the Greek Republic to address on the refugee crisis, by fulfilling the sanitary and psychosocial needs of people living in the open camps. The programme PHILOS introduces a comprehensive approach regarding the provision of health services to refugee’s population and also reinforces the capacity of National Health System to respond to the extra demand of health services as a whole.
All migrants/refugees
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Gender based violence - Manual__“PHILOS – Emergency health response to refugee crisis”
Gender based violence - Manual and gender-based violence Questionnaire__“PHILOS – Emergency health response to refugee crisis”
Gender based violence - Manual in English. HIV infection and transmission of other sexually transmitted infections (STIs) is a common consequence of rape. Trafficking victims have a higher risk of becoming infected by HIV/AIDS and other STIs. This manual contains recommendations on the following sectors related with such medical conditions i.e. medical procedure, clinical examination, emergency treatment, monitoring process etc. This material have been designed in the contect of a programme of the Greek Ministry of Health, implemented by the Hellenic Center for Disease Control and Prevention (HCDCP). It’s a new approach of the Greek Republic to address on the refugee crisis, by fulfilling the sanitary and psychosocial needs of people living in the open camps. The programme PHILOS introduces a comprehensive approach regarding the provision of health services to refugee’s population and also reinforces the capacity of National Health System to respond to the extra demand of health services as a whole.
Health professional
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Gender based violence Questionnaire__“PHILOS – Emergency health response to refugee crisis”
Gender based violence Questionnaire__“PHILOS – Emergency health response to refugee crisis”
Questionnaire-Medical record
Gender based violence - Manual, History and examination form and Questionnaire in Greek and English. HIV infection and transmission of other sexually transmitted infections (STIs) is a common consequence of rape. Trafficking victims have a higher risk of becoming infected by HIV/AIDS and other STIs. The questionnaire include questions to examine the possibility of a gender-based violence episode within the last year. This material has been have been designed in the contect of a programme of the Greek Ministry of Health, implemented by the Hellenic Center for Disease Control and Prevention (HCDCP). It’s a new approach of the Greek Republic to address on the refugee crisis, by fulfilling the sanitary and psychosocial needs of people living in the open camps. The programme PHILOS introduces a comprehensive approach regarding the provision of health services to refugee’s population and also reinforces the capacity of National Health System to respond to the extra demand of health services as a whole.
Health professional
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Gender based violence - History and examination form__“PHILOS – Emergency health response to refugee crisis”
Έμφυλη Βία - Φόρμα ιστορικού και εξέτασης
English, Greek
Questionnaire-Medical record
Gender based violence - Manual, History and examination form and Questionnaire in Greek and English. HIV infection and transmission of other sexually transmitted infections (STIs) is a common consequence of rape. Trafficking victims have a higher risk of becoming infected by HIV/AIDS and other STIs. The History and Examination Form include questions related with physical violence, medical conditions after a gender-based violence episode etc. This material has been designed in the contect of a programme of the Greek Ministry of Health, implemented by the Hellenic Center for Disease Control and Prevention (HCDCP). It’s a new approach of the Greek Republic to address on the refugee crisis, by fulfilling the sanitary and psychosocial needs of people living in the open camps. The programme PHILOS introduces a comprehensive approach regarding the provision of health services to refugee’s population and also reinforces the capacity of National Health System to respond to the extra demand of health services as a whole.
Health professional
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Personal Health Record
السجل الصحي الشخص
English, Arabic
Questionnaire-Medical record
Questionnaire: Personal health record questionnaire from English to Arabic, developed by the International Organization of Migration. This document includes in one single document the health data and information that will help the health professionals get a comprehensive view of migrants/refugees' health needs. It includes the following sections: Patient Registration, Service Provider information, Medical history, Patient immunization records, Clinical measurements, Clinical examination findings, Laboratory tests, Treatment recommendation, Travel recommendation, Post-arrival recommendation, Treatment administration, Vaccine administration.
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Handbook for Health Professionals
Εγχειρίδιο για την αξιολόγηση της κατάστασης υγείας των προσφύγων (Greek), Наръчник за оценка на здравословното състояние на бежанците и мигрантите в ЕС/ЕИП (Bulgarian), Anleitung zur Feststellung des Gesundheitszustands von Flüchtlingen und Migranten in der EU bzw. im EWR (German), Manuel pour l’établissement de bilans de santé de réfugiés et migrants dans l’UE/l’EEE (French), Priručnik za procjenu zdravstvenog stanja izbjeglica i migranata u EU‑u/EGP‑u (Croatian), A menekültek és migránsok egészségügyi vizsgálata az EU/EGT területén (Hungarian), Manuale per la valutazione dello stato di salute dei rifugiati nell’UE/SEE (Italian), Ghid pentru evaluarea stării de sănătate a refugiaților și migranților în UE/SEE (Romanian), Priročnik za oceno zdravja beguncev in migrantov v EU/EGP (Slovenian).
Greek, Bulgarian, German, French, Croatian, Hungarian, Italian, Romanian, Slovenian
Α Handbook for Health Professionals was developed by the Migration Health Division of the International Organization for Migration to respond to the need to foster appropriate health care provision to migrants and to harmonize health assessment practices within the EU. This manual has been developed to provide health professionals with: a.overview of the health assessment process in migration, b. instructions on diseases that are important to be assessed in migration and c. a standardized procedure to obtain appropriate, accurate and comprehensive information for migrant/refugee health status. Additionally, the manual includes a specific protocol for health professionals related with the following sections: a. medical history record, including vaccinations, b. physical examination findings, including vital signs, c. basic assessment of mental health status. and d. monitoring or treatment needs.
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Health Info for Arabic speakers
Health Info for Arabic speakers
English, Arabic
Online resources (website, e-learning platform)
Online resources: means of communicating medication instructions when there is no common language to help health professionals build visual instructions, information sheets and medication calendars for their migrant/refugee patients.
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2015 Ottawa Syrian Refugee Template Initial Intake Assessment Infant and Toddler (Age 0-4)
2015 Ottawa Syrian Refugee TemplateInitial Intake AssessmentInfant and Toddler (Age 0-4)
Questionnaire-Medical record
Medical history form for infants in English. The form has been designed by the "Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario" for Syrian refugees reaching Canada. The template of this medical history form can be used by health professionals in Europe, as well. The medical history form includes the following sections: Pregnancy and Birth History, Developmental history, Medications (including vitamins, non-prescription and herbal medicines), Immunization status, Dental care.
Health professional
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2015 Ottawa Syrian Refugee Template Initial Intake Assessment Child (Age 5-11)
2016 Ottawa Syrian Refugee TemplateInitial Intake Assessment Child (Age 5-11)
Questionnaire-Medical record
Medical history form for children in English. The form has been designed by the "Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario" for Syrian refugees reaching Canada. The template of this medical history form can be used by health professionals in Europe, as well. The medical history form includes the following sections: Pregnancy and Birth History, Developmental history, Medications (including vitamins, non-prescription and herbal medicines), Immunization status, Dental care.
Health professional
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2015 Ottawa Syrian Refugee Template Initial Intake Assessment Adolescent (Age 12-17)
2016 Ottawa Syrian Refugee Template Initial Intake Assessment Adolescent (Age 12-17)
Questionnaire-Medical record
Medical history form for adolescents in English. The form has been designed by the "Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario" for Syrian refugees reaching Canada. The template of this medical history form can be used by health professionals in Europe, as well. The medical history form includes the following sections: Pregnancy and Birth History, Developmental history, Medications (including vitamins, non-prescription and herbal medicines), Immunization status, Dental care.
Health professional
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Electronic Personal Health Record (e-PHR)
سجل الصحة الشخصية الإلكترونية
English, Arabic
Online resources (website, e-learning platform)
electronic platform:The aim of the electronic Personal Health Record (e-PHR) and its platform is to enhance knowledge amongst stakeholders about refugees’ and migrants’ health needs; to ensure that migrant health assessment records are available at transit and destination countries; and to strengthen national and cross-border disease surveillance and response capacities. To respond to the need to foster appropriate health care provision to migrants and to harmonize health assessment practices within the EU, a Handbook for Health Professionals was developed by the Migration Health Division of the International Organization for Migration. Based on this, the Personal Health Record (PHR) was produced with the support from the European Commission and contribution from the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC). The PHR helps to construct/reconstruct the medical history of arriving migrants, thereby establishing their health status and medical needs. It provides an opportunity to record subsequent provision of treatment, including vaccinations, and to offer counselling and health education services. Therefore, the PHR is a personal document that migrants and refugees should keep with them and that contains the individual’s health data and information. The tool will also help Health Professionals get a comprehensive view of the person’s health status and needs during clinical encounters and/or treatment. The PHR is accompanied by a Handbook to be used by Health Professionals. It provides guidance to on the use of the PHR and, in more general terms, the health assessment process for migrants and refugees. The PHR is based on IOM’s extensive experience in pre-departure health assessments (HAs), inter alia, within the long-standing context of resettlement of refugees and, since 2016, of relocation within the EU.
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REFUGEE AIDAPP (REFAID app)_Medecins du Monde
REFUGEE AIDAPP (REFAID app)_Medecins du Monde
App: The Refugee Aid App mobile app shows migrants, refugees and aid workers where services are closest to them on a map with a very simple interface. A web based content management and communication system allows official aid organizations to manage and update their services and to get their critical aid to where it is most urgently needed. Whether you are a migrant, refugee or aid worker, you can download the app in the following 19 countries: United Kingdom, Ireland, France, Belgium, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Romania, Croatia, Hungary, Holland, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Greece, Italy, Switzerland, Malta, Turkey and the United States. We are adding countries and organizations all of the time! Categories, content: Legal/Admin/Info; Food; Shelter; Water; Parent and children; Unaccompanied children; Women; Health
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“RedCross Refugee Buddy" app_International Red Cross Federation
“RedCross Refugee Buddy" app_International Red Cross Federation
App: This app provides up to date and relevant information to refugees and asylum seekers in countries like Norway, Netherlands, Canada and Cyprus. ‘A must have’ when you’ve just arrived or live in one of these countries, as follows.
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IOM_MigApp_International Organization for Migration
IOM_MigApp_International Organization for Migration
App: IOM's MigApp simplifies access to migration-related information and equips the user with a host of tools to improve daily life in destination countries. TRAVEL, VISA & HEALTH REGULATIONS
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Integreat application_Tuer an Tuer – Digital Factory gGmbH
Integreat application_Tuer an Tuer – Digital Factory gGmbH
App: The Integreat app aims at supporting the integration of refugees in the society through the following thematic units: a. first steps, b. German Language, c. education and work, d. family, e. health, f. housing
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Ankommen (Arrival) application_Federal Office for Migration and Refugees, the Federal Employment Agency, the Goethe Institute, & Bayerischer Rundfunk
Ankommen (Arrival) application_Federal Office for Migration and Refugees, the Federal Employment Agency, the Goethe Institute, & Bayerischer Rundfunk
App: to learn German language and other important information for Germany
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Medical history questionnaires in different languages (Bild und Sprache e.V.)
Anamnesebögen in unterschiedlichen Sprachen (Bild und Sprache e.V.)
English, Greek, Arabic, Bulgarian, French, Italian, Romanian, Kurdish, Russian, Turkish, Chinese, Farsi, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Serbian, Spanish, Tamil, Urdu, Polish, Albanian, Amharic- Ethiopian, Bangla, Fulani, Pashto , Tigrinya , Vietnamese, Mandinko, yoruba
Questionnaire-Medical record
Questionnaire-Medical record: Translated medical history questionnaires to improve patient treatment and communication with physicians and health staff
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Health Card-Municipality of Korydallos
Κάρτα υγείας για μετανάστες - Δήμος Κορυδαλλού
Questionnaire-Medical record
Questionnaire-Medical record: This is a country-specific tool. In particular, this is a health card for migrants/refugees designed by the municipality Korydallos for hospital care, legal representation, participation in a Greek language school etc.
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Surveillance-Tool for syndromic data collection and analysis - Robert-Koch Institut
Surveillance-Werk­zeug zur syndromischen Datenerfassung und -auswertung - Robert-Koch Institut
English, German
Questionnaire-Medical record
The syndromic surveillance tool was developed in order to assist medical centers in mass accommodations for refugees in early detection of infectious disease outbreaks. Moreover it raises awareness for infectious diseases from a public health perspective in a setting where other conditions constitute priorities.
All migrants/refugees
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