The collaboration between MyHealth and Mig-HealthCare consortiums arose from a common need to map the resources for migrant health and social care available on the European territory.

The overall objective of the two projects was to improve access to health care for vulnerable migrants and refugees, while promoting the health and well-being of members in the community and providing wider ownership of health services, increasing engagement and embracing the skills that migrants bring to the health sector. Among its interventions and in response to the outcomes and needs arising from different performed activities, both projects produced tools and piloted them in diverse contexts and countries as potentially effective community-based care models focusing on health promotion and prevention. MyHealth ( as well as Mig-HealthCare developed a free toolbox – available on both project websites – in order to share with migrants and professionals working with them documents and materials to help them face some of the daily problems encountered during the migration process.

The two project consortiums involved centres from thirteen different European countries from which four were shared among both projects; MyHealth was the result of a collaboration between Spain, Italy, Germany, UK, Ireland, Greece and Czech Republic, while Mig-HealthCare involved Austria, Bulgaria, Cyprus, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Malta, Spain and Sweden.

Both projects spread among their stakeholders and contacts the same online questionnaires to be filled with migrant centres, resources and projects information. These surveys were collected and added to an online database and indicated with a different icon according to the main service offered. The result is available online on and free accessible from any device.
