47 Results found

App: The Refugee Aid App mobile app has been developped by the Medecins du Monde. This app shows migrants, refugees and aid workers where services are closest to them on a map with a very simple interface in 19 countries: United Kingdom, Ireland, France, Belgium, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Romania, Croatia, Hungary, Holland, Netherlands, Luxembourg, North Macedonia, Greece, Italy, Switzerland, Malta, Turkey and the United States. Categories, content: Legal/Admin/Info; Food; Shelter; Water; Parent and children; Unaccompanied children; Women; Health
All migrants/refugees
Language & Communication
Council on Community Pediatrics Immigration Toolkit  
Council on Community Pediatrics Immigration Toolkit  
Online resources (website, e-learning platform)
Toolkit: This toolkit has been designed to provide practical information and resources for pediatricians to address common matters related to immigrant child health. The toolkit includes among other a thematic unit related with language services and interpretation.
Health professional
Language & Communication
Health Info for Arabic speakers
Health Info for Arabic speakers
English, Arabic
Online resources (website, e-learning platform)
Online resources: means of communicating medication instructions when there is no common language to help health professionals build visual instructions, information sheets and medication calendars for their migrant/refugee patients.
All migrants/refugees
Health professional
Language & Communication
IOM_MigApp_International Organization for Migration
IOM_MigApp_International Organization for Migration
App: IOM's MigApp simplifies access to migration-related information and equips the user with a host of tools to improve daily life in destination countries. TRAVEL, VISA & HEALTH REGULATIONS
All migrants/refugees
Language & Communication
Online-Guides for health sector (Federal Ministry of Health - Germany) - Overview
Online-Ratgeber für Gesundheitswesen (Bundesministerium für Gesundheit) - Übersicht
English, Arabic, German, Russian, Turkish
Leaflet/Brochure: This is a series of country-specific An overview to all online available brochures regarding a variety of health-related topics. Multiple languages available.
All migrants/refugees
Language & Communication
Welcome to Germany - Information for migrants (Federal Ministry of the Interior)
Willkommen in Deutschland - Information für Zuwanderer (Bundesministerium des Innern)
English, Greek, Arabic, Bulgarian, German, French, Italian, Romanian, Russian, Turkish, Farsi, Portuguese, Spanish, Polish
Leaflet/Brochure: This is a country-specific material with basic and important information, tips and useful telephone numbers/contacts to help the process of moving and integration in Germany. Available in 14 languages.
All migrants/refugees
Language & Communication
Health Guide for asylum seekers in Germany
Ratgeber Gesundheit für Asylsuchende in Deutschland
English, Arabic, German, Kurdish, Farsi, Pashto , Dari
Leaflet/Brochure: General information about the health system in Germany and basic practical advice to protect against diseases and infections. Available in 7 languages.
All migrants/refugees
Language & Communication
How to get Medicines in Germany? (aponet.de - Flyer)
Wie erhalte ich Medikamente in Deutschland? (aponet.de - Flyer)
English, Arabic, Farsi
Leaflet/Brochure: This is qa country-specific brochure for Germany shortly describing the essential information around prescription, availability and cost of medicines in the context of the German healthcare system. Available in Arabic, Farsi and English.
All migrants/refugees
Language & Communication
Medication in Germany - Information for Migrants (Bundesvereinigung Deutscher Apothekerverbände - Brochure)
Medikamente in Deutschland - Informationen für Migranten (Bundesvereinigung Deutscher Apothekerverbände - Broschüre)
English, Arabic, German, French, Kurdish, Russian, Turkish, Farsi, Serbian, Urdu, Albanian, Pashto
Leaflet/Brochure: This is a country-spefici brochure describing essential information around prescription, availability and cost of medication in the context of the German healthcare system. Available in 12 languages.
All migrants/refugees
Language & Communication
(Medical) Emergency Vocabulary (sprachenlernen24.de)
Notfall-Wortschatz (sprachenlernen24.de)
English, Greek, Bulgarian, French, Croatian, Hungarian, Italian, Romanian, Slovenian, Russian, Turkish, Dutch, Japanese, Kiswahili, Portuguese, Serbian, Spanish, Swedish, Norwegian, Polish, Albanian, Czech, Danish , Finnish, Indonesian, Lithuanian , Slovakian , Vietnamese, Persian
Leaflet/Brochure: Brochure containing the most important expressions and vocabulary needed in a situation of medical emergency translated from multiple languages to German. Available in 32 languages.
All migrants/refugees
Language & Communication
In case of emergency: Overview of important phone numbers (aponet.de)
Für den Notfall: Wichtige Telefonnummern im Überblick (aponet.de)
English, Arabic, Farsi
Online resources (website, e-learning platform)
Online resources: This is a country-specific web-article detailing important emergency phone numbers such as emergency call, police, pharmacy finder, poison emergency and others. Available in Arabic, English and Farsi. For the German situation.
All migrants/refugees
Language & Communication
EUR HUMAN: Primary Health Care for Refugees
EUR HUMAN: Primary Health Care for Refugees
English, Greek, German, Croatian, Hungarian, Italian
Online resources (website, e-learning platform)
Online course, composed by 8 modules, addressing the main issues of primary health care for refugees and other migrants as follows: Health monitoring, acute and infectious diseases and vaccination; Legal aspects regarding PHC for refugees and other migrants; Provider – patient interaction; Mental health and psychological support; Sexual and reproductive health; child health; Chronic diseases, health promotion and prevention
All migrants/refugees
Health professional
Language & Communication
Therapeutic comunication in nursery
Comunicación terapéutica en enfermería
Handbook for improving nurses comunication skills with their patients and their partners by learning how to differenciate between Therapeutic Comunication and Social Comunication, how to face critic situations, etc.
All migrants/refugees
Health professional
Language & Communication
The good work of the doctor
El buen quehacer del médico
Handbook covering topics such as doctor-patient trust, respect, treating with justice and without discrimination, honesty, integrity, transparency, comunication and colaboration, comunication with other professionales, health organizations, etc.
All migrants/refugees
Health professional
Language & Communication
¿Do words cure? Manual of medical and health communication
¿Curan las palabras?: Manual de comunicación médica y sanitaria
Handbook covering the importance of language in medicine, how to use words, how to properly talk to patients in different situations, how to improve health through a dialog process, etc.
All migrants/refugees
Health professional
Language & Communication
Clinic interview. Manual of practical strategies
Entrevista clínica. Manual de estrategias prácticas
Handbook covering how to interview and talk to patients in different situations, how properly react in differnt situations, how to use differnt tecnics and skills during conversations, common mistakes to avoid, etc.
All migrants/refugees
Health professional
Language & Communication
SaludyCultura.com - Information portal for intercultural mediation and interpretation in the health field
SaludyCultura.com - Portal informativo para la mediación intercultural y la interpretación en el ámbito sanitario
English, Arabic, Bulgarian, French, Russian, Chinese, Spanish, Polish
Online resources (website, e-learning platform)
Online resources i.e. e-platform wtih a toolkit (questionnaires, vocabulary guides) in PDF for download.
All migrants/refugees
Health professional
Language & Communication
Communitación barriers in health to inmmigrants
Barreras comicativas en la atención sanitaria a la población inmmigrante
Article: document in which health factors are represented that act as a barrier when dealing with immigrants, as is the ideological barrier and the repercussion that this has on health
All migrants/refugees
Health professional
Language & Communication
Interpreter Service for the region of Hanover provided by the Ethno-Medical Center
Gemeindedolmetscherdienst für die Region Hannover
This is a country-specific service which provides interpreters for the region of Hannover, Germany
All migrants/refugees
Language & Communication
Interpreter Service for Munich provided by the assiciation "Bayerisches Zentrum für Transkulturelle Medizin e.V."
Gemeindedolmetscherservice für München
This is a country-specific service which provides interpreters for Munich, Germany
All migrants/refugees
Language & Communication
Intercultural Centre for the Promotion of Refugee Integration “PYXIS”
Ελληνικό Συμβούλιο για τους Πρόσφυγες
Language training courses: This is a country-specific training. In the PYXIDA intercultural center, Greek language courses are offered to any refugee or migrant, adult, minor, recognized, applicant or not. Besides the courses, there is a creative writing section for adults, adult and juvenile counseling. In addition, psycho-educational activities for the purpose of empowerment and animation have been designed for children and parents, thereby assisting their social integration.
All migrants/refugees
Language & Communication
Immigrant Integration Center of the Municipality of Athens: Greek Language lessons, Informatics and Work Counseling for Refugees and Immigrants
Κέντρο Ένταξης Μεταναστών του Δήμου Αθηναίων: Μαθήματα Ελληνικών, Πληροφορικής και Συμβουλευτική Εργασίας σε Πρόσφυγες και Μετανάστες
Language training courses: This is a country-specific training. An opportunity to learn the Greek language and become familiar with Greek history and culture is given by the municipality of Athens to refugees and immigrants. These are courses starting in January 2019 in the City of Athens' Immigrant Integration Center (KEM), while adult migrants and refugees will also be able to attend computer courses or professional counseling on their access to work. The actions are aimed at social inclusion and are co-funded by the European Social Fund - NSRF 2014-2020.
All migrants/refugees
Language & Communication
App to learn German for people working in health care
Sprachlern-App „Ein Tag Deutsch – in der Pflege“
This is a country-specific tool. The free learning game is suitable for German-learning specialists who want to recognize their vocational qualification in Germany and who strive to attain the B2 level.
All migrants/refugees
Language & Communication
Didactic games
Didactic games
Educational handbook for health professionals: didactic games in English to ameliorate the communication between professionals and migrants/refugees. This tools have been designed to provide healt professionals with practical advice and role playing on how to deal with culturally-related gaps as regards migrants/refugges. The educational material has been developped in the context of the " Common Approach for REfugees and other migrants’ health project-CARE" project which aimed at promoting a better understanding of refugees and migrants’ health condition as well as at supporting the adaptation of the appropriate clinical attitude towards refugees and migrants’ health needs and in particular towards the health needs of fragile subgroups, such as minors, pregnant women and victims of violence. Among the main results of the project was the provision of more appropriate health care deliveries, increased control of infectious disease risk at the early phase of migrant’s care and better taking care of migrants’ health over the European territory.
All migrants/refugees
Health professional
Cultural Issues
Health care management and cultural competence
Gestión de cuidados de salud y competencia cultural
Article: Recommendations on reduction of waiting list in hospitals taking into cosideration cultural differences, beliefs, references and ways of living of people from both similar and different cultures.
All migrants/refugees
Health professional
Cultural Issues
Instrument for the assessment of Intercultural competence in mental health care
Instrumento para la valoración de la Competencia Intercultural en la atención en salud mental
Handbook for health professionals to achieve equity in health for all the immigrants who are diagnosed by mental illness, and social exclusion.
All migrants/refugees
Health professional
Cultural Issues
Slovenian health system navigation guide for migrants
Vodnik po slovenskem zdravstvenem sistemu za migrante
English, Slovenian
Educational booklet
Educational booklet in English and Slovenian language about health literacy and understanding the health system in Slovenia. It includes the following thematic units: healthcare rights, health insurance in Slovenia, primary healthcare for adults, primary health care for children and adolescents, specialist healthcare, emergency medical services, women's health, mental health services, dental care, medicine. This tool contains information which is country specific for Slovenia. The educational material has been developped in the context of the " Common Approach for REfugees and other migrants’ health project-CARE" project which aimed at promoting a better understanding of refugees and migrants’ health condition as well as at supporting the adaptation of the appropriate clinical attitude towards refugees and migrants’ health needs and in particular towards the health needs of fragile subgroups, such as minors, pregnant women and victims of violence. Among the main results of the project was the provision of more appropriate health care deliveries, increased control of infectious disease risk at the early phase of migrant’s care and better taking care of migrants’ health over the European territory. women and victims of violence. Its main results included more appropriate health care deliveries, increased control of infectious disease risk at the early phase of migrant’s care and better taking care of migrants’ health over the European territory will have been obtained.
All migrants/refugees
Health Literacy
Croatian health system Navigation guide for international protection applicants, asylees and persons under the subsidiary protection
Vodic kroz hrvatski zdravstveni sustav za tražitelje medunarodne zaštite, azilante i strance pod supsidijarnom zaštitom
English, Croatian
Educational booklet
Educational booklet in English and Croatian language about health literacy and understandng the health system in Croatia. This tool contains information which is country specific for Croatia. The educational material has been developped in the context of the " Common Approach for REfugees and other migrants’ health project-CARE" project which aimed at promoting a better understanding of refugees and migrants’ health condition as well as at supporting the adaptation of the appropriate clinical attitude towards refugees and migrants’ health needs and in particular towards the health needs of fragile subgroups, such as minors, pregnant women and victims of violence. Among the main results of the project was the provision of more appropriate health care deliveries, increased control of infectious disease risk at the early phase of migrant’s care and better taking care of migrants’ health over the European territory. women and victims of violence. Its main results included more appropriate health care deliveries, increased control of infectious disease risk at the early phase of migrant’s care and better taking care of migrants’ health over the European territory will have been obtained.
All migrants/refugees
Health Literacy
Maternal Health_A multilingual guide for migrants.
Informationen und Ansprechpartner Ein mehrsprachiger Wegweiser für Migrantinnen
English, Arabic, German, Kurdish, Russian, Serbo-Croatian, Turkish
Educational booklet
Educational Booklet: This booklet has been developed by the Ethno-Medizinisches Zentrum and covers the following thematic units: pregnancy, childbirth, after childbirth, breastfeeding and contraception and glossary. This booklet has been developped to support migrant/refugee women regarding various medical terms related with conditions such as pregnancy and lactation.
Health Literacy
The tip doc health booklet for asylum seekers - with illustrated worksheets (Verein Bild und Sprache e.V.)
Das tıp doc Gesundheitsheft für Asylbewerber - Arbeitsblätter mit Bildern (Verein Bild und Sprache e.V.)
English, Arabic, German, French, Romanian, Russian, Farsi, Serbian, Urdu, Albanian, Tigrinya , Dari
Educational booklet
Educational booklet with translated questionnaires to be filled in voluntarily by migrants to detail patient history, simplify communication with doctors and subsequently improve treatment of illnesses and symptoms. Available in 12 languages.
All migrants/refugees
Health Literacy
Victorian Refugee Health Network
Victorian Refugee Health Network
Online resources (website, e-learning platform)
Online library containing resources, policy documents, reports, weblinks and pages relating to refugee health. To search for content please use the advanced search features to the right of this text. Click the coloured boxes below to access popular categories visited in our library. The fields covered are as follows; mental health, oral health, sexual and reproductive health, nutrition, domestic violence, child and adolescent health, language services, maternal and child health
All migrants/refugees
Health professional
Health Literacy
Health Entitlement to Refugees and Migrants
Health Entitlement to Refugees and Migrants
Online resources (website, e-learning platform)
Webpage summarising rights and entitlements available to Refugees and Migrants
All migrants/refugees
Health Literacy
Stopping Germs
Stopping Germs
English, Somali, Tigrinya
Leaflet with pictures illustrating several prevention measures to stop germs
All migrants/refugees
Health Literacy
Flash cards to support communication between health professionals and migrants
Flash cards to support communication between health professionals and migrants
English, Somali, Tigrinya
Leaflet: Flash cards illustrating the following messages: Are you Happy / Sad / Angry?; Could it be that you are pregnant?; Do you have a cough?; Do you have back pain?; Do you have constipation?; Do you have itching?; Do you have night sweats?; Do you have stomach ache?; Do you take any medicine?; Have you lost weight?; Is the baby moving? Show me where you have pain?
All migrants/refugees
Health professional
Health Literacy
"Being healthy and sick in Austria" - short videos for asylum seekers
"Gesund und krank in Österreich“ Kurzvideos für Aslywerberinnen und Asylwerber
Arabic, Somali, Dari, Somali with German sub-titles
Audio-Visual material
Videos: Short videos in different languages for asylum seekers to strengthen their health literacy.
All migrants/refugees
Health Literacy
Projekt Vita Mobil 2.018: Von Migrantinnen für Migrantinnen
Project Vita Mobil 2.018 : Workshops and trainings on health by migrant women for migrant women
Arabic, German, Serbo-Croatian, Turkish
Training: The project helps migrant women to stay healthy. Trained health mentors offer health literacy trainings at women's homes. Participants hence become multipliers.
Health Literacy
Meeting the health literacy needs of immigrant populations
Προσεγγίζοντας τις ανάγκες του αλφαβητισμού υγείας των μεταναστών
English, Greek, German, Italian, Spanish
Training: This e-training is offered as part of an EU project called MEET (Meeting the health literacy needs of immigrant populatons). The project brings together two important topics: Migrant and Health. Its core elementi s the brdinging role of the Community Health Educators who are trained to raise awareness among migrants about different health issues. The training aims to tackle inequalities in social and health care by prviding access to migrants to better understand community health care models. It is offered in Italian, English, Spanish, Austrian and Greek. Amongst the topics are maternity and addiction.
All migrants/refugees
Health professional
Health Literacy
The Roma Community: Roma and Health
The Roma Community: Roma and Health
Leaflet: This is an information leaflet on the Roma Community developed for health care professionals. All Roma customs and taboos were researched in collaboration with Roma communities based in London. While this leaflet aims to provide a multi-dimensional look at Roma culture and beliefs, it is important to remember that the Roma community is very diverse. This information should be used as a starting point in learning about this community.
All migrants/refugees
Health professional
Cultural Issues
Asylum seekers, refugees and people from Emerging communities: Health issues, inequalities and barriers in Kirklees
Asylum seekers, refugees and people from Emerging communities: Health issues, inequalities and barriers in Kirklees
Article: This is a report prepared by Kirklees healthwatch with the scope of identifying health issues, inequalities and barriers in Kirklees. It focuses on asylum seekers, refugees and people from emerging communities. It provides a visual mindmap on the issues affecting these groups tapping into areas such as language, mental health, women and children, system difficulties and cultural differences. The key conclusions include among others, a need for good communication, a need for more staff/service providers to have cultural awareness training, more information to migrants and more assistance on the financial hardships that these groups face.
All migrants/refugees
Health professional
Cultural Issues
Greek Language for 3rd country nationals
Ελληνική γλώσσα για υπήκοους τρίτων χωρών
Training: This is a country-specific tool. The MiHub is an online platform offering vulnerable migrants across Cyprus to feel protected, safe, informed and supported so that they can move forward with their lives. They have developed services based on our core values of listening, empathy, understanding and supporting individual vulnerable migrants. On their website they offer a section on ‘Digital Media’ where they offer useful educational material. The online course is titled ‘Greek Language for 3rd country nationals’.
All migrants/refugees
Language & Communication
Legal Framework and Health Care entitlements
Νομοθετικό πλαίσιο για τα δικαιώματα υγείας
English, Greek, Arabic, French, Turkish, Farsi, Hindi, Tagalog
Leaflet/Brochure: This is a country-specific tool. MiHub is an online platform offering vulnerable migrants across Cyprus to feel protected, safe, informed and supported so that they can move forward with their lives. They have developed services based on our core values of listening, empathy, understanding and supporting individual vulnerable migrants. On their website they offer a section on ‘Health’ which provides a factsheet in relation to what is required for immigrants in Cyprus to ensure they have all healthcare entitlements. The factsheet provides information about Asylum seekers, for Third Country Nationals and for foreign (non-EU) students.
All migrants/refugees
Language & Communication
Language issues in migration and integration: perspectives from teachers and learners
Language issues in migration and integration: perspectives from teachers and learners
Online resources (website, e-learning platform)
Online resources: This online book is about the role of language in the integration of migrants. It brings together the perspectives of both learners and teachers/policy makers and researchers who have worked in education of migrants. It offers direct statements from learners, migrants who arrived in a new country and face language difficulties. Several of the chapters are based on research projects funded between 2011 and 2014 under the auspices of the ESOL Nexus project: http://esol.britishcouncil.org. In many of the chapters the approach is practical; highlighting ways that teachers can engage more successfully with their learners, fostering a sense of integration within the classroom itself. Other chapters provide a perspective on approaches to language and integration in countries where the national language is not English or where English is only one of the main languages spoken.
All migrants/refugees
Health professional
Language & Communication
Language Mediation for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Inter Refugees - Schwulenberatung Berlin
Sprachmittlung für lesbische, schwule, bisexuelle, trans und inter Geflüchtete
English, Arabic, German, French, Russian, Turkish, Farsi
This is a guide detailing the legal frame of the asylum seeking status, and how language emdiaition can help LGBTQ Refugees.
All migrants/refugees
Health professional
Language & Communication
REALM Health Literacy Test (Rapid Estimate of Adult Literacy in Medicine)
REALM Health Literacy Test (Rapid Estimate of Adult Literacy in Medicine)
Questionnaire-Medical record
Questionnaire: Tool to test the health literacy
All migrants/refugees
Health professional
Health Literacy
Short Assessment of Health Literacy—Spanish and English: A Comparable Test of Health Literacy for Spanish and English Speakers
Short Assessment of Health Literacy—Spanish and English: A Comparable Test of Health Literacy for Spanish and English Speakers
English, Spanish
Article: This article presents the SAHL-S&E tool. This tool has good reliability and validity being particularly useful for identifying individuals with low health literacy. It could be used to screen for low health literacy among Spanish and English speakers.
All migrants/refugees
Health professional
Health Literacy
Test of Functional Health Literacy in Adults (TOFHLA)
Test of Functional Health Literacy in Adults (TOFHLA)
Questionnaire-Medical record
Questionnaire: TOFHLA is used to measure functional health literacy--both numeracy and reading comprehension--using actual health-related materials such as prescription bottle labels and appointment slips. It is designed to assess adult literacy in the health care setting.
All migrants/refugees
Health professional
Health Literacy
The Medical Term Recognition Test (METER)
The Medical Term Recognition Test (METER)
Questionnaire-Medical record
Questionnaire: METER is a practical measure for assessing patients’ health literacy in clinical settings. The METER is administered as quickly as the REALM, with minimal instructions and involvement of practitioners.
All migrants/refugees
Health professional
Health Literacy