38 Results found

Health promotion and health care of migrants and refugees
Health promotion and health care of migrants and refugees
ppt presentation in English regarding health care and health promotion in migrants/refugees. The presentation covers the following thematic units A. Migrants' health (country of origin, on the move and hosting country), B. migrants' lifestyle and healthy lifestyle promotion, C. chronic non communicable diseases, D. communicable diseases and screening, E. food borne diseases, F. Mental health, G. Cultural construction of health problems. The section regarding mental health corresponds to slides 141-178 covering the folllowing sections: Migration, New Cultural Environment and Stress; Determinants that Influence Mental Health; Common mental health problems (Depression, grief and anxiety/Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder/Schizophrenia/Suicide/Addiction); Cultural Peculiarities; Treatment of mental disorders • The educational material has been developped in the context of the " Common Approach for REfugees and other migrants’ health project-CARE" project which aimed at promoting a better understanding of refugees and migrants’ health condition as well as at supporting the adaptation of the appropriate clinical attitude towards refugees and migrants’ health needs and in particular towards the health needs of fragile subgroups, such as minors, pregnant women and victims of violence. Among the main results of the project was the provision of more appropriate health care deliveries, increased control of infectious disease risk at the early phase of migrant’s care and better taking care of migrants’ health over the European territory.
All migrants/refugees
Health professional
Mental health
Clinical guidelines - Diagnosis and treatment manual_For curative programmes in hospitals and dispensaries. Guidance for prescribing
Guide clinique et thérapeutique_Pour les programmes curatifs des hôpitaux et des dispensaires A l’usage des prescripteurs (French), Guías clínicas - Diagnóstico y manual de tratamiento. Para programas curativos en hospitales y dispensarios. Orientación para la prescripción (Spanish)
English, French, Spanish
Online resources (website, e-learning platform)
Online resources in English, French and Spanish: The medical guidance include communicable and non-communicable diseases screening and management guidelines that are common in refugee populations. In Chapter 11 i.e. "Mental disorders in adults" the following sections are covered: Anxiety, Insomnia, Agitation, Mental confusion, Post-traumatic stress disorder, Depression, Psychotic disorders. The medical guidance has been developped by the Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF). Its content is based on based on scientific data collected from MSF’s experience, the World Health Organisation, other renowned international medical institutions and medical and scientific journals.
All migrants/refugees
Health professional
Mental health
Psychosocial form
Ψυχοκοινωνικό δελτίο
English, Greek
Questionnaire-Medical record
Psychosocial form in Greek and English. The questionnaire includes questions regarding migrants/refugees' current living conditions, mental illnesses, feelings of guilt or shame, alcohol and drug use etc. The medical history form has been designed in the contect of a programme of the Greek Ministry of Health, implemented by the Hellenic Center for Disease Control and Prevention (HCDCP). It’s a new approach of the Greek Republic to address on the refugee crisis, by fulfilling the sanitary and psychosocial needs of people living in the open camps. The programme PHILOS introduces a comprehensive approach regarding the provision of health services to refugee’s population and also reinforces the capacity of National Health System to respond to the extra demand of health services as a whole.
All migrants/refugees
Health professional
Mental health
Therapies for refugees, asylum seekers and new migrants: best and promising practice guide for mental health and addiction services
Therapies for refugees, asylum seekers and new migrants: best and promising practice guide for mental health and addiction services
Handbook-guide: This guide aims to provide mental health and addiction practitioners with an overview of key issues and considerations when working with refugees, asylum seekers and new migrants. The guide for Health professionals has been developed by the National Centre of Mental Health Research New Zealand.
All migrants/refugees
Health professional
Mental health
Psychological first aid: Guide for field workers
Ψυχολογικές πρώτες βοήθειες: Οδηγός για τους εργαζόμενους στο πεδίο.
English, Greek, Arabic, German, French, Italian, Romanian, Slovenian, Russian, Turkish, Chinese, Dutch, Farsi, Japanese, Hindi, Kiswahili, Korean, Burmese(Myanmar), Portuguese, Serbian, Sinhala, Spanish, Swedish, Tamil, Ukrainian, Urdu
Handbook-guide: This guide covers psychological first aid which involves humane, supportive and practical help to fellow human beings suffering serious crisis events. It is written for people in a position to help others who have experienced an extremely distressing event. It gives a framework for supporting people in ways that respect their dignity, culture and abilities. The guide has been developed by the World Health Organization.
All migrants/refugees
Health professional
Mental health
Psychological first aid: Facilitator’s manual for orienting field workers
Ψυχολογικές πρώτες βοήθειες: εγχειρίδιο του διευκολυντή για τον προσανατολισμό των εργαζομένων στο πεδίο
English, Greek, Chinese, Ukrainian
Handbook-guide: This facilitator’s guide is designed to orient helpers to offer psychological first aid (PFA) to people following a serious crisis event. The guide has been developed by the World Health Organization.
All migrants/refugees
Health professional
Mental health
Vulnerability screening tool
Vulnerability screening tool
Questionnaire-Medical record
Screening Tool: The Vulnerability Screening Tool was developed by the Vancouver Association for Survivors of Torture (VAST) for use by mental and primary Health professionals, settlement and social service providers, private sponsors, and other community members who are supporting refugees on arrival in British Columbia. This document is not a diagnostic tool, but rather a screening tool for vulnerability.
All migrants/refugees
Health professional
Mental health
Refugee Mental Health Screening – a Practical Guide for Primary Care
Refugee Mental Health Screening – a Practical Guide for Primary Care
Questionnaire-Medical record
Screening Tool: Mental health screening tool for clinicians targetting migrants/refugees
All migrants/refugees
Health professional
Mental health
Guide To Mental Health Work With Refugees
Guide To Mental Health Work With Refugees
Online resources (website, e-learning platform)
Guide: this guide is related with refugees' mental health and it has been by the Vancouver. It includes recommendations regarding migrants/refugees' mental health, communication tips and practical orientations.
All migrants/refugees
Health professional
Mental health
Council on Community Pediatrics Immigration Toolkit
Council on Community Pediatrics Immigration Toolkit
Online resources (website, e-learning platform)
Toolkit: This toolkit has been designed to provide practical information and resources for pediatricians to address common matters related to immigrant child health. The toolkit includesteh following thematic units: clinical guidelines, vaccinations, mental health, social services, language services and interpretation.
Health professional
Mental health
ALMHAR app – Mental health aid for refugees
ALMHAR app – Mental health aid for refugees
App: This app has been designed by the Center ÜBERLEBEN for refugees who had to flee from their homes and who are may be living in exile. The app explain to refugees the most common emotional problems offering first support services.
All migrants/refugees
Mental health
SMILERS app (Smartphone Mediated Intervention for Learning Emotional Regulation of Sadness)
SMILERS app (Smartphone Mediated Intervention for Learning Emotional Regulation of Sadness)
App: SMILERS app is a self-help program for Arabic-speaking people suffering from depressive symptoms.
All migrants/refugees
Mental health
App: The TOGETHER app has been designed by the International Organization for Migration. It is about a tool for collecting and sharing positive stories of migration. TOGETHER has been designed to use the power of social media for social change — countering the negative rhetoric surrounding migrants and refugees with poignant portraits of everyday gestures and volunteerism.
All migrants/refugees
Mental health
Immigrant and Refugee Mental Health Project
Immigrant and Refugee Mental Health Project
English, French
Online resources (website, e-learning platform)
Online resources: The Immigrant and Refugee Mental Health Project is a capacity-building initiative designed to enhance the knowledge and skills of settlement, social or health service providers. The project, funded by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC), offers accredited online courses, monthly webinars, e-newsletters and an online community of practice with access to subject matter experts. The link provides access to free online tutorials and guides/publications on the area of mental health in migrants/refugees
All migrants/refugees
Health professional
Mental health
PROTECT: Process of Recognition and Orientation of Torture Victims in European Countries to Facilitate Care and Treatment
PROTECT: Process of Recognition and Orientation of Torture Victims in European Countries to Facilitate Care and Treatment
Questionnaire-Medical record
Questionnaire: Guidance and identification questionnaire to achieve early recognition and orientation of torture victims or victims of serious forms of psychological, physical or sexual violence.
All migrants/refugees
Health professional
Mental health
A guide for health professionals working with immigrant and refugge children and youth
A guide for health professionals working with immigrant and refugge children and youth
Online resources (website, e-learning platform)
Online resources in English. This guide has been developed by the Canadian Pediatric Society in the context of the program Caring for Kids new to Canada. It includes information regarding the following thematic units: assessment and screening, medical conditions, mental health and development, health promotion, culture and health, health system navigation and education/advocacy. Recommendations, usefull resources, tools, ppt presentations and other types of educational materials are provided for its subunit to support health professionals towards each domain related with the daily clinical practice.
Health professional
Mental health
MiMi project ordering portal
English, Arabic, Bulgarian, German, French, Italian, Romanian, Kurdish, Russian, Serbo-Croatian, Turkish, Farsi, Spanish, Polish, Bosnian, Pashto , Dari
Educational booklet
Educational booklets: It is an ordering portal on different health topics including depression, trauma, mental health in various languages with basic information for migrants.
All migrants/refugees
Mental health
Guide - live healthy, stay healthy (Ethno-Medizinisches Zentrum e.V. Hannover)
Wegweiser gesund leben, gesund bleiben (Ethno-Medizinisches Zentrum e.V. Hannover)
English, German, French, Italian, Russian, Serbo-Croatian, Turkish, Spanish, Polish, Vietnamese
Handbook: This is a handbook for health professionals providing recommendations, among others on mental health, including the prevention of major chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes etc. Available in 10 languages.
All migrants/refugees
Health professional
Mental health
Depression - Guide for family members (Ärztliches Zentrum für Qualität in der Medizin (ÄZQ))
Depression - Eine Information für Angehörige und Freunde (Ärztliches Zentrum für Qualität in der Medizin (ÄZQ))
English, Arabic, German, French, Russian, Turkish, Spanish
Educational booklet
Guide explaining family members how to support, help and treat close relatives that suffer from depression. Available in 7 languages.
All migrants/refugees
Mental health
Psychotherapy Guide - Multilingual advice brochure for migrants living in Bavaria (Betriebskrankenkassen Landesverband Bayern)
Wegweiser Psychotherapie - Mehrsprachiger Ratgeber für die in Bayern lebenden Migrantinnen und Migranten (Betriebskrankenkassen Landesverband Bayern)
English, Arabic, German, Italian, Russian, Serbo-Croatian, Turkish, Polish
Educational booklet
Extensive guide detailing the different kinds of psychotherpy, length of treatment, how to find a therapist and more. Also offers contact points for further information and consultation. Available in 8 lanugages.
All migrants/refugees
Mental health
Guide - Depression - Recognizing, Understanding, Helping (Ethno-Medizinisches Zentrum e.V. Hannover)
Wegweiser Depression - Erkennen Verstehen, Helfen (Ethno-Medizinisches Zentrum e.V. Hannover)
Arabic, German, Russian, Turkish
Guide explaining depression as an illness and how to support an affected person. Further offers contact points to get support. Available in 4 languages.
All migrants/refugees
Health professional
Mental health
Trauma induced disorders and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) - (Ethno-Medizinisches Zentrum e.V. Hannover)
Traumafolgestörungen und Posttraumatische Belastungsstörung (PTBS) - (Ethno-Medizinisches Zentrum e.V. Hannover)
English, Arabic, German, Kurdish
Educational booklet
Extensive guide explaining PTSD as an illness and how trauma can affect everyday life. Also offers contact points for treatment and further information. Available in 4 languages.
All migrants/refugees
Mental health
A Guide for Refugee Parents - How can I help my traumatised child? (Bundespsychotherapeutenkammer)
Ratgeber für Flüchtlingseltern - Wie helfe ich meinem traumatisierten Kind? (Bundespsychotherapeutenkammer)
English, Arabic, German, Kurdish, Persian
Educational booklet
Guide offering advice to refugee parents on how to help and support children and adolescents of all ages after traumatic experiences. Available in 5 languages.
Mental health
Mental health (HAW Hamburg)
Psychische Gesundheit (HAW Hamburg)
English, Arabic, Bulgarian, German, Russian, Turkish, Farsi, Albanian
Brochure with information mental health in general, as well as advice on how to recognize mental disorder. Available in 7 languages.
All migrants/refugees
Mental health
Refugee Toolbox (MedBox - The Aid Library)
Refugee Toolbox (MedBox - The Aid Library)
Online resources (website, e-learning platform)
Online available library with handbooks that concentrates almost 600 documents in 16 languages to support and develop health professionals' health awareness among migrants and refugees and to improve integrative processes from broadly health-related perspective. It covers the following thematic areas: health guidelines for screening, general health, mental health, pediatrics, women/pregnancy, vaccination, HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis, unaccompanied refugee minors, reproductive health, sexual violence, dental health. Bold indicates which thematic area is relevant with this roadmap topic. Founded and continually supported by 25 German humanitarian organisations and institutions
All migrants/refugees
Health professional
Mental health
EUR HUMAN: Primary Health Care for Refugees
EUR HUMAN: Primary Health Care for Refugees
English, Greek, German, Croatian, Hungarian, Italian
Online resources (website, e-learning platform)
Online course, composed by 8 modules, addressing the main issues of primary health care for refugees and other migrants as follows: Health monitoring, acute and infectious diseases and vaccination; Legal aspects regarding PHC for refugees and other migrants; Provider – patient interaction; Mental health and psychological support; Sexual and reproductive health; child health; Chronic diseases, health promotion and prevention
All migrants/refugees
Health professional
Mental health
WP5: Mental health psychosocial support and first aid for refugees
WP5: Mental health psychosocial support and first aid for refugees
Report on protocol for rapid assessment of mental health and psychosocial needs of refugees and Model of Integrated Continuity of Psychosocial Refugee Care from the point of entry into EU to final destination.
All migrants/refugees
Health professional
Mental health
Ministry oh Health "Guidelines for treatment of psychological disorders of holders of refugee status and subsidiary protection status who have been subjected to torture, rape or other serious forms of psychological, physical or sexual violence"
Ministry of Health (2017), "Linee guida del ministero della salute per trattamento dei disturbi psichici dei titolari dello status di rifugiato e dello status di protezione sussidiaria che hanno subito torture, stupri o altre forme gravi di violenza psicologica, fisica o sessuale".
These guidelines are for the programming of psychiatric disease treatment of people that request the refugee status. They are people that have suffered tortures, psychologic violence, physical violence and sexual violence.
All migrants/refugees
Health professional
Mental health
Instrument for the assessment of Intercultural competence in mental health care
Instrumento para la valoración de la Competencia Intercultural en la atención en salud mental
Handbook for health professionals to achieve equity in health for all the immigrants who are diagnosed by mental illnes, and social exclusion.
All migrants/refugees
Health professional
Mental health
Victorian Refugee Health Network
Victorian Refugee Health Network
Online resources (website, e-learning platform)
Online library containing resources, policy documents, reports, weblinks and pages relating to refugee health. To search for content please use the advanced search features to the right of this text. Click the coloured boxes below to access popular categories visited in our library. The fields covered are as follows; mental health, oral health, sexual and reproductive health, nutrition, domestic violence, child and adolescent health, language services, maternal and child health
All migrants/refugees
Health professional
Mental health
Don't suffer in silence DIOTIMA: Brochure for services to surviving immigrants in Athens
Φυλλάδιο για υπηρεσίες σε επιζήσαντες μετανάστες στην Αθήνα
English, Arabic
The DIOTIMA center offers psychological support by psychologists and other health professionals and social workers to individulas having suffered frome gender violence, sexual abuse etc.
All migrants/refugees
Mental health
Unaccompanied migrant minors: characteristics, methods, intervention axes and incident management
Κακοποιημένοι ανήλικοι αλλοδαποί: χαρακτηριστικά, μεθοδολογία, άξονες παρέμβασης και διαχείρισης περιστατικών»
English, Greek
Online resources (website, e-learning platform)
Online resources: This is a power point developed by Dr Sklavou (a pyshciatrist regarding adolescents and children). It covers psychological problems of children and teenagers (accompanied and unaccompanied) by making reference to the trauma of resettlement, difficulties with language, seperation and migration. There are explanations concerning the experiences of violence that these groups undergo and how this can be approached as a healthcare prodessional. Main methods of intervention regarding unaccompanied children and teenagers are suggested so as to cover aspects in relation to language, culture and psychological difficulties.
Health professional
Mental health
Asylum seekers, refugees and people from Emerging communities: Health issues, inequalities and barriers in Kirklees
Asylum seekers, refugees and people from Emerging communities: Health issues, inequalities and barriers in Kirklees
Article: This is a report prepared by Kirklees healthwatch with the scope of identifying health issues, inequalities and barriers in Kirklees. It focuses on asylum seekers, refugees and people from emerging communities. It provides a visual mindmap on the issues affecting these groups tapping into areas such as language, mental health, women and children, system difficulties and cultural differences. The key conclusions include among others, a need for good communication, a need for more staff/service providers to have cultural awareness training, more information to migrants and more assistance on the financial hardships that these groups face.
All migrants/refugees
Health professional
Mental health
Understanding Mental Illness
Understanding Mental Illness
English, Greek, Arabic, Italian, Russian, Turkish, Chinese, Farsi, Serbian, Spanish, Vietnamese, Dari, Assyrian, Macedonian
Leaflet: Information about various different mental illnesses and how they affect a person
All migrants/refugees
Mental health
Help for You and Your Family After Disaster Fact Sheet
Help for You and Your Family After Disaster Fact Sheet
English, Arabic, Chinese, Hindi
Leaflet: This leaflet aims at helping most people who experience acute stress during events of natural disaster or large scale acts of violence by increasing awareness about mental health
All migrants/refugees
Mental health
Depression: Information for residents, families, and carers
Depression: Information for residents, families, and carers
English, Greek, Croatian, Italian, Chinese, Polish, Vietnamese, Maltese
Leaflet: A translated resource with information about the signs, causes and management of depression for residents, families and carers
All migrants/refugees
Mental health
Anxiety in Children
Anxiety in Children
English, Greek, Arabic, Turkish, Chinese, Farsi, Hindi, Spanish
Leaflet: Information about what anxiety is as well as how to identify the symptoms of anxiety in children
All migrants/refugees
Mental health
Mental Health Screening Tools and Referral Networks
Mental Health Screening Tools and Referral Networks
Handbook: This guide highlights important steps when implementing a mental health screening process and focuses on ways organizations and providers can create an effective network to address refugee mental health.
All migrants/refugees
Health professional
Mental health